Follow Tommy further X.

This interview on the Danny Jones Podcast Episode 263 both felt like it was being channeled from my own brain, while also flooding me with an overload of new information. It was a bull’s-eye, as someone who has long held that all modern wars and psychological operations are symptoms of easy fiat money, and that the government is simply the largest criminal cartel growing big enough to legitimize its racket itself and to assume the role of moral authority. Kruse argues that the goal of globalist transhumanists is to replace the US Constitution, a document designed to protect individuals from government, with the UN Charter, a document designed to usurp and eradicate tyrannical power to proxies of the industrial military complex.

“I would probably talk to Adolf Hitler before I sit down with Sergey Brin.”

I didn’t expect to hear anything about Bitcoin when I started listening, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear him bring it up early and often, in the form of a kryptonite for the transhumanists he portrays as his “mortal enemy.”

“The reason why Bitcoin content is being removed is because DARPA is not interested in Bitcoin. Their energy to fuel their entire process is cheap fiat money.”

Uncle Jack discusses topics such as Kleiber’s law, allodial wealth, DARPA, MK-ULTRA (and its subsequent versions), the Stanford marshmallow experiment, JFK’s assassination, sunlight medicine, SV40, cancer, COVID and the lampreys, and even invisibility, which somehow connect it all subtly to Bitcoin, with the subtext ‘fix the money, fix the world’.

“There is a pattern with the industrial military complex. When they want to do something, they don’t ask for forgiveness, they don’t ask permission, they just do it.”

The key ingredient was essentially that the federal fiat system is a big Ponzi scheme, specifically mentioning Roth IRAs and pension funds. And that a deadly war is being waged against us by the state to ensure that enough of us die from cancer, wars or otherwise so that we don’t all run a bank.

The Industrial Military Complex is a machine powered by cheap money: fiat money. Kruse aligns Bitcoin as a solution to the fiat war machine, which for me is preaching to the choir, but exciting to hear on a non-Bitcoin show with a large audience like the Danny Jones Podcast.

This article is a To take. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

By newadx4

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